2.7.2 Example - Found in Translation
Found in Translation creates economic mobility opportunities and addresses racial, ethnic and linguistic disparities in healthcare by training low-income bilingual women to be professional medical interpreters and connecting them to jobs that demand their skills. This creates pathways to a living wage for immigrant women, leveraging their multilingualism as a marketable skill, and enables LEP (Limited English Proficient) patients to access vital healthcare services. While federal and state laws mandate hospitals, as well as other health and human services providers, provide professional interpreter services, compliance rates are far lower than optimal. Found in Translation lowers barriers to compliance by offering affordable interpreting and translation services in 30+ languages.
Field(s): interpreting & translation, language access, language justice, healthcare access, health equity, job training, workforce development, economic mobility, immigrants and refugees, women
Sector: nonprofit
Location: Boston, MA
Website: https://found-in-translation.org/
To learn more: info@found-in-tranlsation.org, 617-326-6600
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